Rhythm Works Integrative Dance Assistant Instructor Certification
Regular price $235.00This course is intended for those who will be assisting in a group class, but not leading the class.
Having trained assistants in class can make a world of a difference, not only for your ability to lead the entire class, but also for the child who needs additional support. Participants have 30 days to complete the course.
The Rhythm Works Integrative Dance Assistant Certification Course includes the following:
- Sensory Processing and its effect behavior and learning
- Behavioral strategies
- Developmental Domains
- Kinesiology
- Movement Safety
- Special Population Considerations
- Learner Types
- Teaching Styles
- Assisting with Learning Choreography
- Listing as an Certified Assistant Teacher on the Rhythm Works Integrative Dance website
What this course DOES NOT INCLUDE:
Anything involved with how to structure, customize, and lead a class, including: The Rhythm Works Class Structure, 31 categories of skill development and sensory input, teaching rhythm, music theory, music mapping, creating developmentally appropriate choreography, games, business ideas, applications to physical skills.
Also not included: Instructor Manual and complementary access to The Rhythm Works Society